Sunday, 23 October 2016

Comparison between the WDN and FDM


1.WDM stands for wavelength division multiplexing .

2.WDM is used in optical communication.

3.In WDM the signal frequencies used are of the orde 10-10hz.

4.WDM generally employes optical fiber as communication channel.

5.WDM network setup costs are high.

6.WDM provides bit rates of the order of Gbps.

7. WDM provides the concepts of virtual fibers.


1.FDM stands for frequency division multiplexing.

2.FDM is generally used in radio communication.

3.In FDM the signal frequencies used are of the order of 10hz.

4.FDM generally employes copper cables as communication channel.

5.FDM networks set up cost are comparitively lower.

6.FDM provides bit rates of the order of Mbps.

7.FDM dose not provides the concept of virtual fibers.

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